Repositorio Noticias UNAB

QS Ranking: Universidad Andrés Bello is among the 60 best universities in Latin America

The British consulting firm Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) recently released the results of the 22nd edition of its Latin American ranking, with 428 participating institutions.

In this edition, Universidad Andrés Bello ranked No. 56 at the regional level, a significant 15 points higher than the previous version, achieving a privileged position among the best universities in Latin America.

At the local level, UNAB ranked 12th, two positions higher than the previous year, highlighting its solid performance in research and reputation among employers and academics.

«We are very pleased with this result, as the progress achieved this year in the QS Latin America Ranking is a sign of our constant commitment to excellence. It results from committed and constant work closely related to our mission and principles. These have been difficult years of the pandemic, which has meant rethinking many issues, but without losing the quality and reputation of our university project,» said UNAB President Julio Castro.

The QS Latin America methodology and indicators consider academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty-student ratio, citations per published article, number of professors with PhDs, publications per academic, web impact, and international research network.

This last aspect was where UNAB achieved the most significant increase in scores, ranking seventh at the national level.

The top five places in this measurement are occupied by the Universidad Catolica (1st), the University of Sao Paulo(2nd), the Universidad de Chile (3rd), the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey(4th), and the Universidad Estatal de Campinas (5th).